What is autism?
What is Autism? A small question with a big answer. Autism can be associated with words like "disorder", "disability", "condition" etc but it is better described as a different neurology. Being Autistic means our brains, our neurology is different to neurotypical people. It doesn't mean we are less than, or inferior. It means we can think and feel in ways that are different to most people in the world.
The National Autistic Society defines autism as:
"A lifelong developmental disability which affects how people communicate and interact with the world."
What does that mean? First of all it means Autistic people are born Autistic and will be Autistic their whole lives. Autistic people can have different difficulties but generally will have some issue with communication and social interactions. This can range from being unable to use spoken language or struggling to use the appropriate words or requiring longer time to process what has been said. It also can mean difficulties with social cues, e.g. taking turns to talk and facial expressions, and being so anxious around new people and new places that the autistic person cannot take part in the social activity. Many Autistic people like routine and structure to their day, it helps to reduce anxiety in what can be a challenging and overwhelming world we live in.
The link below is a fantastic video created by The National Autistic Society that really helps to explain what autism means. Check it out.
The Autistic spectrum
For many years Autism has been described as a spectrum and seen as linear, with terminology like high functioning and low functioning Autism. This is now seen to be outdated and the autism wheel is being more accepted as a more realistic representation of what it's like to be Autistic.
The labels on each section of the wheel can vary from individual to individual and it supports the idea - "When you've met one person with Autism, you've met one person with Autism". We are all individuals, we are all different and even day to day how we experience our traits can be different. On a calm day, after a good nights sleep I can cope better with noise. On a more difficult day and feeling tired I don't cope well with noise. So, it's important to note that on one day a child may manage a certain task or cope with a certain situation but on the next day they might not manage it or cope as well.
The colour wheel displayed opposite is my colour wheel and from a first glance you can see what autistic traits I struggle with most. I think this is a great way to see what areas a child or young person has difficulties and where they need support. I encourage you to create this type of colour wheel for all the Autistic children in your care. Feel free to download the templates of the colour wheel with and without headings. On the blank copy you can write on the headings that suit your child/children best. The children can help complete the wheel, depending on their development at the time.
Sensory issues
Many Autistic people can have sensory differences which can make everyday tasks and activities difficult. But it can also be a positive too, for example some Autistic people are really observant and use this skill in day to day tasks or in a work setting.
Autistic people can react to sensory experiences in different ways including:
⚫️ Hyposensitivity: being under responsive to sensory stimuli e.g. high threshold of pain
⚫️ Hypersensitivity: over sensitive to sensory stimuli e.g. struggle to cope with loud noises
It is a good idea to fully consider what a child actually feels in different environments and situations as this can affect their behaviour and learning. For example, if a child is hypersensitive to sound they could be struggling in a noisy classroom to concentrate or if a child is hyposensitive they might seek lots of sensory input including tapping their pencil and moving around in their seat. Click on School Resources for a sensory information template and suggested strategies for school.
Being Autistic comes under the umbrella heading of neurodiversity. So, what is neurodiversity?
The NHS Cambridge University Hospital defines it in the following way:
"very simply, neurodiversity refers to the different ways a person's brain processes information."
Harvard Medical School states:
"Neurodiversity describes the idea that people experience and interact with the world around them in many different ways; there is no one "right" way of thinking, learning, and behaving, and differences are not viewed as deficits."
These are two excellent definitions of neurodiversity. The main thing to take away from this is that thinking and feeling the way an Autistic person does is not wrong, it's just different. Hence the wonderful autistic community saying, "Different, not less". So, for example if an Autistic person gets overwhelmed by lots of overlapping noise (like myself), consider reframing it by seeing how amazing their hearing is that they can hear everything that is going on in a room. With that being said, being Autistic and caring for an Autistic person is not always easy in this neurotypical world.
Other types of neurodiversity include: ADHD, dyscalculia, dyslexia, tourettes and dyspraxia.
Neurotypical people are people who think and feel in a typical way in society.
(Click on the links to read more about neurodiversity.)
BBC's Newsround explains neurodiversity
Who better to explain what neurodiversity is than three amazing neurodivergent children on BBC's Newsround. Click and watch the short video clip.
Your Child's rights to educational support
So often I hear about children who have been refused the support they truly require and it leaves the child in an environment that is not suitable for their needs. It also makes parents and carers terrified of what will happen to their child and how their future will be affected. I recently went through this and I discovered an amazing website that has all the information you need and a support helpline. It is called Enquire Scotland and it has booklets with lots of useful information. Click the link below to have a look.
Check out Enquire Scotland but here is a basic summary of laws and policies that protect children with additional support needs. They are as follows:
Schools General (Scotland) Regulations 1975
* Procedures around exclusions.
Working with the school and solving problems 102 103 Working with the school and solving problems Education (Scotland) Act 1980
* The right of every child to an education.
* The right to appeal exclusions and placing requests.
Standards in Scotland’s Schools etc. Act 2000
* Every child has the right to an education that helps them learn and develop to their fullest potential.
* The local authority needs to take into account the views of the children regarding their education.
* Scotland have the policy of presumption in mainstream, that all children have the right to education in a mainstream setting, unless there are exceptional circumstances, stated in Section 15 of the Standards in Scotland’s School’s Act 2000. The three exceptions are:
1. That it would not be suited to the ability and aptitude of the child;
2. It would be incompatible with the provision of efficient education for the children with whom the child would be educated
3. It would result in unreasonable public expenditure being incurred which would not ordinarily be incurred.
Guidance on the presumption to provide education in a mainstream setting (
Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act 2004
* The local authority must provide ‘adequate and efficient’ additional support to pupils with additional support needs. (Section 1(1)(a))
* The local authority must seek and take into account the views of the child and their parents.
* Children over aged 12 years old and parents have the right to take a support person to meetings regarding additional support.
* Mediation services should be available if necessary.
* Independent adjudication can be requested.
* Children over age 12 years old and parents can request an assessment to determine if the child has additional support needs and if they require a coordinated support plan.
* Parents can make a placing request for a specific school or nursery.
Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement) Act 2006
* Encourages the involvement of parents and carers in their child’s education.
The Equality Act 2010
* The local authority must make ‘reasonable adjustments’ for disabled pupils to avoid putting them at a disadvantage.
The GIRFEC national policy
GIRFEC stands for Getting It Right For Every Child and it means schools should be working towards meeting the needs of individual children so that they can meet their full potential.
The Enquire booklet ‘Additional Support for Learning: A Guide for Parents and Carers’ states “GIRFEC…aims to improve the wellbeing of all children and young people by giving them the right help, at the right time, from the right people and in the right place”. (P. 24) If your child is not getting the right support, use this policy to question why not and ask if the child has a GIRFMe (Getting It Right For Me) plan.
If decisions have gone against what you believe to be the right support for your child there is the Additional Support Needs Tribunal. The tribunal is independent and decides on disagreements on support including placements, support plans and disability discrimination.
For more advice there is also Govan Law. A fantastic resource for advice and has downloadable templates of letters and documents including placing requests, request for an assessment and making an effective complaint. Click the link below.
What is stimming? Stimming is repetitive physical movements and vocalisations. Everyone stims from time to time, some people tap their finger, bounce their knee, twirl their hair etc. But for many Autistic people stimming is more common and used for self regulation and processing and expressing emotions. My youngest flaps his hands so hard when he's excited I worry he will take off! It's wonderful to see him so happy! He is non speaking, so his stimming helps me understand how he is feeling. Stimming helps me to control or release my anxiety, I flap my hands and squeeze my finger tips. One of my other children likes to make humming noises when he's happy. Stimming is a personal expression or outlet of feelings, so it can be different from one person to the other.
Some stims can be harmful, for example banging your head and skin picking. These stims need to be examined to find out why the child is stimming and give the child the support they need to regulate themselves without harm. If a child is stimming in a harmful way, that is communication something isn't right and their needs are not being met at that time. Simply stopping the self injurious behaviours won't stop the problem.
We need to discover why the child is stimming to be able to support them. Once the child's needs are met, the hope is the harmful stims stop. The challenging part is figuring out how the child is feeling and why, particularly if they are non speaking. Observations can be really helpful to determine this. In the meantime it's important to try and help the child not hurt themselves. For example if the child is banging their head off of a hard surface, try and put a pillow in-between to stop the child hurting themselves.
Stimming should be encouraged (if it isn't harmful) as it can be self soothing, self regulating and an expression of feelings for autistic children and adults. I can sympathise with a teacher not wanting a child to tap their fingers, bounce their knee or flap their hands during a lesson as it can be distracting but it might be essential in helping that child to listen and learn. It's so important that Autistic children feel they can stim freely in any environment as it can be a huge part of their coping skills, their self expression and self regulation. If it is encouraged and seen more regularly, hopefully the other children in the class will get used to it. It will soon become the 'norm'.
If teachers and assistants learn and understand why a child is stimming it can help stimming become more acceptable in classes. Observing and recording stimming can help gain this valuable information. (See free downloadable recording sheet and completed example below)
Types of Stimming with examples
Here are some examples of stimming but this is not a complete list, the child in your care might have different stims.
Verbal and auditory stimming
* Repetitive speech and noises
* Snapping fingers, or tapping on objects repeatedly
* Covering or tapping of ears
Vestibular stimming
* Spinning
* Rocking
* Jumping
Visual stimming
* Turning lights on and off
* Hand flapping and looking through fingers at the light
* Blinking repeatedly
Tactile stimming
* Repetitive hand motions
* Rubbing or scratching hands or objects
* Tapping fingers repeatedly
Olfactory or taste stimming
* Licking hand or objects
* Smelling objects
* Tasting unusual objects
Remember to ask and listen to the children in your care about what stims help them. If the children are non speaking maybe they can communicate their feelings through image cards, sign language or AAC. Always presume competence but if they cannot communicate their feelings about stims, observe them and trust they stim for a reason.